May 3, 2022
Spring happenings in the Park and on the Trail
The daffodils are in bloom and the crew teams are on the water: two sure signs spring has sprung in Ithaca. We hope you'll celebrate spring by joining FSP for these fun upcoming events.
Join FSP this Sat., May 7, from 10am-noon for a I Love My Park Day Work Day!
Help us prepare the park for summer by cleaning up garden beds, planting new plants, raking the playground, mulching, trimming lakeside vegetation and more. Dress for the weather and bring your gloves, rakes, clippers and other gardening tools.
Meet at the Information Kiosk by the playground. And check-out the free yoga class right before (see below)!
Official I Love My Park Day registration is highly encouraged but not required. Register here.
I Love My Park Day Yoga, sponsored by Mighty Yoga
Date: May 7, 2022
YogaTime: 9:00-9:45am
Mighty Yoga is generously offering a free yoga class for I Love My Park Day! Seva is the yoga practice of service, and you are invited to kick off the 11th annual I Love My Park Day with a free community yoga class sponsored by Mighty Yoga. Meet prior to the work project (see above) for an outdoor yoga experience to warm up the body, connect with our breath, and appreciate the joy of being outside.
Meet at the Picnic (Large) Pavilion. Bring your Yoga Props and Materials for working after Suggested materials include: Yoga mat or beach towel, Weather appropriate layers (We'll be in our work clothes to join the Stewart Park work day right after.) Bring work gloves and any tools you think could be helpful - rakes, trowels, clippers etc. REGISTER HERE
Join Cayuga Bird Club’s Jody Enck for guided spring bird walks in Stewart Park, happening the 3rd Saturday of the month in April, May and June. Bring your binoculars, dress for the weather, and meet at the Cascadilla Boathouse for a fun family-friendly time. The next two bird walks are May 21 and June 18 at 9:00 AM. Help spread the word. Share the event on Facebook.

Fuertes Overlook Restoration highighted in the Tompkins Weekly
Thank you to Jessica Wickham of Tompkins Weekly for the excellent write up of the repair work on the Fuertes Overlook in Stewart Park last month. Pictured with FSP Exec. Dir. Rick Manning is Kevin Reilly of Reilly Masonry, who took on this challenging task, made possible by a gift from the estate of the late Dr. Tapan Mitra of Cornell University.
While the Mitra legacy gift will cover most of the Overlook’s restoration, FSP is accepting further donations to fully fund the project, which also includes interpretive panels and additional landscaping. Read the Tompkins Weekly article here and click here to learn more about the project.

Ithaca Garden Club, the City of Ithaca and Cornell University have joined together to bring color back into the community by blanketing Ithaca in beautiful bulbs! Their goal is to have thousands upon thousands of flowers push up along the edges of roads and trails in Stewart Park and Cass Park! Visit the Daff-A-Dazzle website or the IGC website to see more beautiful daffodil pictures, learn all about the project and see how you can get involved.
Special thanks to IGC's Wendy Blanchard and Elaine Alexander, Jeanne Grace with the City of Ithaca, and to Dr. Bill Miller, professor of horticulture at Cornell University, for use of his state-of-the-art planting machine for Daff-a-Dazzle initiative.
The Stewart Park Carousel turns 70 this year! Come celebrate on Saturday, June 25, from 2:00pm-4:00pm, with free rides, a carousel craft, Nate the Great and cupcakes! Join us Saturday, June 25 from 2:00-4:00pm.
We'd like to thank Elizabeth Ann Clune Montessori School of Ithaca for sponsoring the carousel Memorial Day Weekend!
Last year, FSP’s Centennial Free Carousel Days were an undeniable hit! Carousel operators tabulated over 20,000 free rides over the summer! FSP has set a goal of finding Carousel Sponsors for every weekend this summer! Could you or your organization be one of them? For full information and details, visit

Tomorrow! May 4th, 2022 Lecture on the New Woman in Silent Serials from the FInger Lakes Film Trail
Join the Finger Lakes Film Trail this coming Wednesday, May 4th at 7pm, for Peerless, Fearless Fashions in Silent Serials, a presentation by Cornell University Professor Denise N. Green. At the Tompkins Center for History and Culture/CAP Gallery. The event, co-sponsored by Wharton Studio Museum, is free and open to the public.
If you cannot join us in-person, the presentation will be live streamed and recorded on Zoom. Please send an email to info@whartonstudiomuseum and you will be sent a link to the Zoom.
Wharton Studio Museum and Historic Ithaca's exhibit Biggest Little Movie City: Ithaca’s Theaters Then and Now is in it's last week at the Tompkins Center for History Culture in the Atrium Tower. The multimedia exhibit is free and open to the public. Visit Monday – Saturday, 10am to 5pm through Saturday, May 7th, 2022. Presenting Sponsor is Canopy by Hilton Ithaca Downtown.