Celebrating our park's centennial

In 2021, We're Celebrating Stewart Park's Centennial!
Cayuga Waterfront Trail's southern entrance to Stewart Park.
Photo by @theycallmecash on Instagram
Dear Friends,

I hope that Martin Luther King Day provided you with an opportunity to reflect on this important time.  Dr. King's last book published in 1967 was entitled "Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community."   Here's to choosing community at this very chaotic time!

Thank you so much for supporting FSP's 2020 annual appeal.  We exceeded what we considered  to be a very optimistic fundraising goal for our organization.  We also raised some needed funding to continue to furnish and enhance The Stewart Park Playground.  Look out for some new accessible picnic tables, benches, pathways and plantings in the spring.

All this year, FSP celebrates the 100th anniversary of Stewart Park's opening as a City-owned public park, on July 4, 1921.  After the influenza pandemic of 1918, the Wharton Studio, a bustling motion picture production company located in Stewart Park (then called Renwick Park) closed, and the City of Ithaca, under the leadership of newly-elected Mayor Edwin Stewart, acted boldly and purchased, renovated and opened the park, renamed in Mayor Stewart's honor soon thereafter.  Now, a century later, we are riding out the COVID storm and, hopeful and excited by the vaccine, celebrating 100 years on Cayuga Lake.  Like a century ago, Stewart Park is providing a destination critical to our community's well-being at a very challenging time.  This is cause to celebrate.

FSP's Centennial Celebration will, fittingly, begin with a virtual presentation on the plethora of birds that pass through and reside in the Park.  They were here long before us, and will very likely be around for far longer.  We invite you to join us and Steve Kress to learn about these bright and beautiful creatures, and how we can be better stewards for them in Stewart Park.

All the best and stay safe, 

Rick Manning
Executive Director
Friends of Stewart Park is looking forward to celebrating the Park Centennial throughout 2021.

Here's a preview of some of what we're planning.
Stay tuned for more details and updates! 
Birds of Stewart Park with Dr. Steven Kress - February 17, 7:00 PM
Cornell Lab of Ornithology Spring Field Ornithology teacher of 40 years founder of Audubon's Puffin Project explores why Stewart Park is ideal for birding and how we can protect bird habitat in the park. More Details below. 

The People's Park: Natural & Cultural History of Stewart Park - March 31, 7:00 PM
FSP Executive Director Rick Manning,
 Board President and Executive Director of Wharton Studio Museum Diana Riesman, and Susan Holland of Historic Ithaca explore the history that made Stewart Park Ithaca's Favorite lakeside destination. 

Boys & Girls in the Boat - Ithaca’s Amazing History of Competitive Rowing - April 29, 7:00 PM. From the Cascadilla Boat Club to Cornell and Ithaca College rowing teams, we look at Rowing on Cayuga Lake. This presentation will include a short feature on the restoration of the Cascadilla Boathouse, which will be ongoing throughout the summer of 2021. 
Music in Stewart Park from Patrick Conway's early 20th Century Ithaca Band to local contemporary artists.

Theatre, Movies, and other Events in Stewart Park such as a Streets Alive-style festival in the park,  Illuminate the Inlet, and a 4th of July Park 100th Birthday Party.

An Exhibit Celebrating Stewart Park  in the Atrium of the Tompkins Center for History & Culture on the Commons in downtown Ithaca. 
All in-person events and exhibits will follow Covid-safety guidelines.
Water Quality in Cayuga Lake Finger Lakes Land Trust, Cayuga Lake Watershed Network, and the Community Science Institute provide insight on the health of Cayuga Lake and what measures can be taken to enhance its water quality.  September.

The Cayuga Waterfront Trail and Ithaca’s Evolving Waterfront Jean McPheeters, Rick Manning and other special guests will look back at the Waterfront Trail long and sometimes controversial planning process and look ahead at projects and trends on the waterfront. October.

Stewart Park Revitalization Plan: 2022 - 2031:  FSP Executive Director Rick Manning and the Friends of Stewart Park will lead a presentation of the updated and final draft of an updated Stewart Park Revitalization Plan bringing Stewart Park into the next century. 
Friends of Stewart Park will continue to partner with Wharton Studio Museum, the City of Ithaca, Historic Ithaca, Tompkins County Tourism Program to continue to revitalize Ithaca's lakefront gem. Revitalization projects in various stages of planning, fundraising, design and construction include:
  • Cascadilla Boathouse Exterior Restoration
  • Wharton Studio Building Winter Bathroom Renovations
  • Wharton Studio Museum & Park Center
  • Splash Pad and Accessible Seasonal Bathrooms by the Playground
  • Renwick Plaza and Performance Venue with Cayuga Lake Overlook 
  • Update the Stewart Park Revitalization Plan 2031 to guide park enhancements for the next decade and beyond.

Birds of Stewart Park
with Dr. Stephen Kress 

February 17, 2021, 7pm

Join FSP for for the first event in our Centennial series, as guest Dr. Stephen Kress, author and ornithologist, introduces some of the more than 100 bird species that frequent Stewart Park and will offer suggestions for making the park landscape more bird-friendly.
Dr. Kress is well-known in Ithaca and beyond as an entertaining teacher who uses stunning images and audio recordings to enliven his presentations.
This FREE online program for any and all bird enthusiasts, explains why Stewart Park is such a popular destination for both birds and birders!

Click here to register!

Help spread the word! Share the event on Facebook.
Cayuga Waterfront Trail Winter Maintenance

Trail Maintenance in Cass Park only 

Winter is a great time to enjoy the waterfront trail, however, the only section that receives winter maintenance is the stretch along Cass Park, marked in orange on this map. City workers do their best to get the trail their cleaned off in a timely manner after every snow, so this is by far the safest section of the trail this time of year.

That said, snow naturally melts off the black paved trail faster than on unpaved surfaces, so the entire trail can be enjoyed once temps go above freezing for a few days at a time.  No matter what, please take care when using the trail in winter. 

Your support makes a big impact in Stewart Park

You stepped up and showed your support for Stewart Park and the Cayuga Waterfront Trail in a big way with your year end gifts to FSP, with over $20,000 in organizational support and over $5,000 in support of designated projects since November.

Your gifts make park revitalization possible, helping us prepare Stewart Park for the next hundred years. For that, we thank you.
20 for 2020

Did you miss our last enews with twenty pictures looking back at 2020 in Stewart Park and Cayuga Waterfront Trail? You can still see them all the captivating image. Click here.

Photo credit Instagram @abhinavjindal93
Celebrate 100 years of Stewart Park!

2021 is Stewart Park's Centennial as a public park. We invite your to celebrate and share your love for the park by marking your social media posts taken in the park with the hashtag #stewartpark100!
Mountain Bike Trail Coming to Cass Park

A  proposal for a mountain bike trail in Cass Park was unanimously supported by members of Ithaca’s Planning and Economic Development Committee this week. The agreement would be Cycle CNY and the City, with Cycle CNY doing most of the trail maintenance. Cycle CNY chairperson Donald Fitterer says community support for the project has been tremendous and he is optimistic there will be trails ready for riding sometime in spring.
Elayne Nicholas honored in Ithaca Journal, Stewart Park.

2021 is Stewart Park's Centennial as a public park. We invite your to celebrate and share your love for the park by marking your social media posts taken in the park with the hashtag #stewartpark100!

Gay Huddle wrote of Stewart Park Playground Champion Elayne Nicholas in the Southern Tompkins Town Talk section of the Ithaca Journal this week. If you missed it, the remembrance of Elayne, as well that of as Emily Virkler, can be read here.  FSP will be honoring Elayne in the park with Elayne's Lending Library near the playground.
8 Week Online Course

The Cayuga Bird Club invites you to Spring Ornithology: an 8 week course with with Steve Kress. 

Presentations Include: Bird Identification, Family Life of Birds, Bird Song, Migration Mysteries, Attracting Birds, and Bird Conservation.

Dates: 7 to 9 PM, Tuesdays, March 30 – May 18, 2021, via Zoom
(Classes are recorded for viewing or reviewing at your convenience.)
Cost: $125/Household (includes Cayuga Bird Club membership)

Registration & Information
Copyright © 2021 Friends of Stewart Park, All rights reserved.

20 views from 2020

20 for 2020: This year in pictures
December 30, 2020

This week, one that will launch us into the new year, FSP is taking a look back with 20 for 2020 -- twenty images of Stewart Park and the Cayuga Waterfront Trail that aim to capture this roller coaster ride of a year, as seen in Stewart Park and along the Waterfront Trail.  

We look forward to 2021 to celebrate Stewart Park’s 100 years as a public lakefront park on July 4, 1921,  and all that we hope a vaccine could bring to our lives.
Thank you so much for your generous support of Friends of Stewart Park - we are truly grateful.  


This week is the last opportunity to make a 2020 charitable gift. Remember in 2020, contributions up to $300 can be deducted from your taxes.  Donate online, return the FSP mailing you may have received, or mail a check to: FSP, 120 Brindley Street, Suite 4, Ithaca 14850.  If you’d like to make a stock transfer to FSP, please call our office at 607-319-4766. 



Enjoy your holiday week, stay safe, and have a Happy New Year!

The Staff and Board of Friends of Stewart Park


Birds of Stewart Park with
Dr. Stephen Kress 

February 17, 2021, 7pm

Join FSP for for the first event in our Centennial series, as guest Dr. Stephen Kress, author and ornithologist, introduces some of the more than 100 bird species that frequent Stewart Park.
Dr. Kress is well-known in Ithaca and beyond as an entertaining teacher who uses stunning images and audio recordings to enliven his presentations. This online program for any and all bird enthusiasts, explains why Stewart Park is such a popular destination for both birds and birders. Registration details to come!
20 for 2020
The year in pictures 
1.  Winter 2020: Cascadilla Boathouse overlooking the Fuertes Bird Sanctuary Pond. The design for the Cascadilla Boathouse exterior restoration project began this year and is planned for summer 2021 construction.
2.  March 2020: Covid shut down the world, including the Cass Park and Stewart Park playgrounds. FSP cancelled planned programs and playgrounds wouldn't officially reopen for months. 
3.  March 2020: Playground construction continued with the installation of a new cover to protect our beloved Stewart Park Carousel.  
4.  April 2020: Your votes won Friends of Stewart Park a $2000 Southern Tier Tuesdays grant. 
5. April 2020:  Volunteers turned out for several physically-distanced waterfront cleanups in the Park and along the Trail. 
6. May 2020: To encourage mask wearing, FSP obtained locally made reusable masks. Over 400 masks were handed out in 3 Giveaways in Stewart Park.  
7 and 8.  June 2020   We Can't Breathe and Black Lives Matter - are important messages to see, hear and confront, even in this beautiful park setting. FSP was thankful no greater damage occurred (in Binghamton, a new wooden playground was burned to the ground), yet also stands in solidarity with those seeking justice for George Floyd and for all people with black and brown skin. Buildings are just that: buildings. No building is more important than human life. The city of Ithaca had the buildings cleaned in about a week, but left the messages along sidewalks for us all to reflect on. 
9.  Summer: FSP Cornell work study horticulturalist Tristan Weise helped beautify Stewart Park and the Cayuga Waterfront Trail, here with Trail lover Mary Zebell near the birding kiosk in Cass Park. 
10.  Summer 2020: Thousands of  people safely exercise and recreate on the Cayuga Waterfront Trail. The new section at Treman Marine Park was especially popular. 
11.  Summer 2020: The entrance garden and other spots in Stewart Park were carefully maintained by volunteer crews. 
12.  August 2020: A small group of park enthusiasts gathers for the new Stewart Park Playground Ribbon Cutting while others watched virtually from home. Pictured: (top row) FSP Executive Director Rick Manning; FSP Board President Diana Riesman; Assemblywoman Barbara Lifton; and Mayor Svante Myrick. 
13 a, b & c.  Summer 2020: The Inclusive Stewart Park Playground opens to rave reviews.
14: September 2020: Video: The Motolo Family explains what the Inclusive Playground means to them
15.  September 2020: Cornell Outdoor Education is able to continue their popular tree climbing class in the park. Participants distanced and wore masks, but these sisters are in the same bubble. 
16.  September 2020:  Friends of Stewart Park holds its first ever virtual Party for the Park. The benefit features fun and educational park videos, a raffle, and performances by local musicians, including songs by Nellia Mattson, filmed playing in the park. 
16.  November 2020: Friends of Stewart Park launches a new website for the Cayuga Waterfront Trail, www.cayugawaterfronttrail.net. 
16.  November 2020: FSP hosts a park cleanup and bulb planting with Zero-Waste Ithaca. Zero-Waste focused on cleaning up the waterfront while FSP organized volunteers to clean up the playground and nearby pollinator beds and plant daffodils for spring. 
17.  November 2020: We said goodbye to playground champion and dear friend Elayne Nicholas. Elayne united us all behind a vision for a beautiful and accessible playground. Her fundraising skills and boundless energy helped make the playground a reality. Elayne had a passion for books and learning, and Elayne's Lending Library in the kiosk near the playground will be dedicated in her honor. 
18.  December 2020: Friends of Stewart Park receives a Susan Blumenthal Pride of Ownership Award for the Stewart Park Inclusive Playground. The award was given by the Rotary Club and the City of Ithaca. 
19.  December 2020: Friends of Stewart Park unveils a celebratory logo for Stewart Park's Centennial Year, created by Iron Design. The graphic embraces Stewart Park's iconic Willows and lake views, and reflects the archways seen throughout the Park. 
Photo credit: @abhinavjindal93 on Instagram:
20.  December 2020: Friends of Stewart Park bids goodbye to a truly "unprecedented" year. We look forward to a 2021 and celebrating Stewart Park's centennial as a public park with an exciting array of virtual and in-person programming, musical events, exhibits, and a commemorative fourth of July celebration.  WE'LL SEE YOU IN 2021!!!
Support Friends of Stewart Park
Friends of Stewart Park is a non-profit organization with a mission to enhance, revitalize and maintain Stewart Park and the Cayuga Waterfront Trail, in partnership with the City of Ithaca and park stakeholders, for the enjoyment of Ithaca residents and visitors to our community.
Copyright © 2020 Friends of Stewart Park, All rights reserved.

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